Belated Happy New Year!!

Thank You
Warm Regards
Anita Narang
The Entrepreneur & Writer
M. A. English, B. Ed.

Thank You
Warm Regards
Anita Narang 
The Entrepreneur & Writer
M. A. English, B. Ed.

Laughter/Smile-Add Spice/Dessert to Life.


There are innumerable ingredients in the recipe for a happy and contented life. The condition is, how adeptly one deals with it as the capability, tact & skill move smoothly varies from individual to individual. The metrics are always diverse. Therefore, let us consider what is the secret that one picks out a way to face the challenges of life and does not miss the grace of a pretty, impressive & outstanding personality without hurting an innocent soul. Smiles are also contagious. If you pass one, it’ll get back. The turnover is guaranteed.

Therefore, the rule of thumb is just watching the loopholes & maintain a fair balance by tightening the rein of infinite desires & lust for money as this is the root cause of all the evils, corrupt practices, unfair dealings & unpleasant reactions.

Laughter and smiles have miraculous healing properties, sometimes they help to let go of absurd things when life seems to be a hard pill to swallow. A few healthy funny memes, some motivational sessions, a few pages of reading and two or three musical notes will suffice to skip some sorrowful or temperamental outcomes.

Human being is a social animal, he/she always hunts for pleasure, but sometimes life seems to be contradictory and if one balances it pain and suffering always weigh more than a blissful view of life.

Here I would prefer to discuss the lines quoted above by Rudyard Kipling for a while-

Every now and then time is challenging, there are defeats, failures, pain, anguish, hatred, doubts, and enmity but as he explains- no matter how great & affluent you’re, how highly educated & successful one is, one is always supposed to have tolerance, love and above all a common & simple touch to emerge as a winner.

If one is successful in wiping the tears from the eyes of a single person and replacing them with smiles once in a day, life is not in vain, it’s worth living but the condition is how capable & resourceful you’re.
The replacement of tears with smiles is a good idea executed by the spiritual communities nowadays. The old concept of worshipping has been outdated, and new techniques and strategies have been discovered and invented to ease, comfort & motivate people, though the task is highly controversial & thorny, someone must always take the lead-first step forward as “there is always a fresh start.”

News clips & digital media have been making it’s share of efforts to highlight the ins and outs of such endeavors from time to time.
It’s a regret to say that such concepts have always been an object of criticism by the intellectual genre. Here is one of the examples of a Hindi movie- Oh! My God may be illustrated.

Thanks! Have a Great Day!!

Anita Narang
The Entrepreneur-M. A. English
Phone- +91-9927541741

  1. The EnglishAlpha©.Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. ↩︎

On Spiritualism

Proverbs in Modern Languages % of Pragmatism/Authenticity

Let us examine a few proverbs-whether they have retained the same significance as they had about ten years ago.
Birds of the same feather flock together- which means people of the same disposition, interests, and motives better go hand in hand to face life’s challenges. Two friends or people who possess a different nature or interests will naturally have differences or tussles at times that can cause not only hurdles or hindrances in the smooth running of the journey of life, if both sail in the same boat, things go smoother. But every rule or ideal has exceptions.
De facto, proverbs are the add-ins to enhance and provide depth to writing. In other words, one can say this is the best tool to say a lot most succinctly. As Shakespeare comments-“Brevity is the soul of wit’. They help the author to fill an ocean of beauty meaning and emotions in a small container to save time and space for the reader and the writer, as well. The same concept has been adopted by a distinguished Hindi poet ‘Bihari’- “Gagar main Sagar”.

But as I said before, nothing remains forever, and every concept is two-sided plus points and negative points. Here the instance of the views of great personalities Pandit J. L. Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi on ‘violence’ is worthy to be quoted. As you all must be aware that Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest advocate of non-violence-he elaborates his point further-if one slaps you on one cheek, the other cheek should be offered to the offender-this theory is known as ‘forgiveness and vengeance free’ and to a great extent this is the best option to avoid violence and the painful consequences of any deed that is undesirable and proves to be beneficial in the long run. of Sword and choice between cowardice and violence by some according to Pandit Nehru. According to him- It was a dynamic method, the very opposite of a meek submission to a tyrant will. It was a coward’s refuge
from action.

In a famous article- “The Doctrine of the Sword”- he had written in 1920: “I do believe that when there is only a choice between cowardice and violence…I would rather have India resort to arms to defend her honor than that. She should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless victim of her dishonor. But I believe that non-violence is infinitely superior to violence forgiveness is more manly than punishment…But abstinence in forgiveness only when there is the power to punish. A mouse hardly forgives a cat when it allows itself to be torn to pieces.

-Only the bearer knows where the shoe pinches-
It implies that only the person who bears the pain knows its intensity, that how adverse circumstances and the struggles of life obstruct its smoothness, and that unless and until we feel how badly an individual deals with the adverse time, he/she remains untouched from it. Though it’s a good way to share somebody’s time during stormy hours, it’s not always a practical solution as it may spoil someone’s life, if he/she tries to walk in somebody’s shoes.

-Rome was not built in a day-
In other words, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Success requires consistency one cannot get success overnight. The road to success is thorny. Life is not a bed of roses. If one means to climb the ladder, one must be bold enough to face it with patience, perseverance, honest intentions, and determination as success is the outcome of non-stop efforts to move on.

-Never judge a book by its cover-
The same idea can be described as everything that glitters is not gold as looks may be deceptive, it’s not always necessary that something that seems good and beautiful outwardly is so inwardly. Very often behind a cruel smile may be a good and kind soul so one must be very cautious while taking any life decisions as one wrong step may spoil the whole curry. To shorten the long tale, one can say that right, rational and judicious decisions are the key to success. So always look before you leap, strike the iron when it’s hot and you’ll see that the rhythm of life, is set to the right way to sail the boat smoothly and calmly.
To sum up the entire concept, one must evaluate how relevant and logical, are proverbs in the 21st century. Do they still reflect the reality and values of our modern society? Or are they outdated and misleading?

To be on the right path a bit of flexibility is the best option, and be careful with the linguistic and cultural value and validity of proverbs while making any selection. Do not cross the linguistic and interpretation barriers. The authenticity of proverbs even in the 21st century cannot be denied, as a proverb conveys the intentions and views of a writer wisely and concisely. Therefore, a pinch of wisdom and common sense is enough to convey the idea successfully. (1,143 Words)

Rain Rhythm-Mystery Revealed!

The EnglishAlpha

Just imagine drizzly rain in the month of June, with amazing musical rhythm, in torrents during the darkest summer nights that seem to be an episode of a horror drama with sound effects.
De facto, it is a blending of pleasure and pain of some unforgettable moments that fill it with soothing properties.
A moment of sentiments, Love, affection, infatuation & thrilling effects.
Visualization of scenic beauty at times & the realization of total chaos, mud & puddles.
As in the words of William Shakespeare-
‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.”

A beautiful comforting & cool shower that brings relief during summer days, one moment for a particular soul, torrents for some other person at the same moment filled with panic.
After all, every human being has some limitations of perspectives.
Rain, as a matter of fact, like all other nature blessings, has both negative and positive effects and consists of uncountable benefits.
On one hand, it’s a source of creative & inspirational value, on the other hand, a part and-parcel tool for agricultural & commercial development. The scope is limitless and infinite and it’s a bare fact that an acute shortage of rainfall & scanty monsoon, the entire economy may come to a standstill or collapse.
In the Bible, Matthew says,
“He sendeth rain on just and on unjust.”
One more poet says-
‘My heart Leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky.”

Nature is impartial irrespective of caste, color, creed, location and mindset.
A rain shower pours equally upon both a beggar and an emperor.
Life is packed with troubles, insecurities and anxieties, so why not welcome a cool & refreshing rain shower as it’s a blessing that is free of cost.
Just imagine a kid enjoying splashing in the rainwater and a group of teenagers enjoying a rain dance. -isn’t it a miraculous vista?
If one proceeds a little further, rain helps in afforestation providing fertility & riches to the universe.
For ages, poets, writers and artists have been receiving inspiration for their masterpieces that not only brought them big fortunes but also awards and medals. No one can deny the fact that the view of a rainbow can provide a cure and tranquility to an aching heart.
The list goes on so it’s better to hold on and conclude.

Rain is music in itself. It supplies resources for agricultural, financial, sentimental and physical growth.
Just imagine a walk during a drizzly breeze on a beach or a Rivulet.
But for an intellectual soul, its merely- a resource for power & pelf. Not only this, it may be defined as an interruption in the daily schedule or disease & ailment.
So what it, depends, as I stated before, on the perspective & availability of time & space.
As the saying goes-
“Excess of everything is bad,” and it also applies to the rain. Excessive rainfall or violent monsoons when resulting in floods, bring destruction of life, money, space and food.

Therefore, the need of the hour is the judicious attitude to maintain the ecological balance & total awareness to preserve and conserve flora & fauna as trees are the elixir of life.
Besides, national & social awareness to preserve and conserve rainwater.
Rain Water Harvesting is the best option.
“Little drops of water
Little grains of sand
Make the mighty ocean,
And the pleasant land.”
Tom Waits writes-
“I like the beautiful melodies
Telling me
Terrible things.”

         Moments of Solitude

Reading-A Hobby Pursuit Vs. an Integral Component of Daily Essentials

“Some books are to be tasted, some are to be chewed, some others are to be digested.”
-said Francis Bacon
Books are the real treasure for the educated genre. “Reading maketh a full man,” are the words of the same great scholar. Reading is a multi-faceted trait for a refined individual. It’s an additional tool that enhances & enables a person to shine in every walk of life, whether it’s professional, official, social, cultural, religious or commercial.
Reading opens up the doors of success and the closets of a bleak mind to accelerate the speed of growth & development not only on personal grounds but also on national & international levels.
It has also been said, ” Literature begins with delight and ends in wisdom.”
And it’s a well-known fact that literature is also a mirror of society. Therefore, reading, as I stated before, has a plethora of salient features that extend comfort during the moments of dejection as an elixir to life and they also prove to be an asset as a hobby during leisurely hours.
Besides, reading owns an ocean of knowledge, whether it’s a matter to assemble the different components of a device or to set up one’s empire without looking for an individual trainer. If we go a little further, reading enables people to stay connected with current affairs via newspapers, magazines, online digital eBooks and innumerable other ways. Reading is also an assistant while performing some religious & spiritual rituals.
As I said before, reading is so extensive that no field, whether it’s Philosophy, entertainment, cooking or manual pursuits nothing stays untouched. It comes to help when no one is around when a novice is feeling hungry and intends to cook a yummy dish.
Though, bookish knowledge does not always come in handy, sometimes, somewhere books can’t replace the experiences of an old grandma or housewife or the skills of a professional cook but it’s a better option when a guy looks for some snacks.

So also, if one dives a little deeper, theory can do nothing without practicality in science and other streams. But the utility of reading in the world of literacy, entertainment, science, technology & medication can’t be denied.
It adds a gem to the overall personality of an individual.
Reading has miraculous dimensions as it can create efficient orators, capable editors, expert scholars, skilled musicians, eminent technicians & business tycoons. It’s an asset of academic peripherals. Its scope is unlimited as one can approach newspapers, magazines, eBooks and literature that consists of the morphology of Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Prose, comedy & tragedy having an enormous amount of knowledge, entertainment, wisdom, scientific & technological resources. A long story short, books are genuine buddies and expert skilled teachers that can never be replaced.

If one takes a turn, on one hand, they are the unreplaceable resources during leisurely moments and an unavoidable component of one’s daily essentials. Besides, they are our guiding lights on every step of life whether it’s a time of adversity, moments of solitude or it’s a time to walk on a road less travelled.
Talking about commercial usage, there are so many instances that books are converted into successful blockbuster movies and T. V. serials which not only provide worldly wisdom and entertainment but also serve to amass a big fortune.
This is an obvious fact that if a movie gets to be successful, it alters an ordinary filmmaker into a millionaire overnight. Here the example of a Bollywood movie ‘Lamhe’ can be given. The theme is very close to a well-known English Novel written by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy- ‘Family Happiness.’ Another children’s movie ‘Koi Mil Gaya’ is an interesting instance of science fiction. And the story goes on….

No doubt, Reading has its innumerable plus points, but it’s not a piece of cake to cultivate healthy reading habits as it may be a brain candy when one reads a comics, novel or an entertaining story, but when it comes to handling grave reading tasks, most of the times, it gets to be a herculean task. Therefore, there are some tips and tricks that can help generate regular reading habits. As the article is not about this particular topic so I’ll put it for another day.

Next comes the life skill lesson that reading imparts. At times they prove to be miraculously helpful during tough situations when no one is around during dejected and blue moments of this challenging life…They inculcate confidence, they reflect our attitude, they provide worldly wisdom, and they also work as the best teachers when one is in a dilemma, the only thing is, one’s outlook of how he/she perceives the entire vista as the beginning of a book may be interesting, but most often it ends with a moral or a lesson that may be helpful to rise in life. They are the mirrors of contemporary life and trends of a specific time span. The only need is to extract the best part out of the entire book.
Here I would like to explain the quote by Bacon-Some books are to be tasted-means they don’t require any need to be read carefully, only light reading is enough.
Some books are to be chewed-means they need deeper understanding and patience.
Others are to be digested-implies- one not only needs to understand them patiently but also, they require to be followed in day-to-day life.

It’s a long tale to tell, but one has to pause somewhere because of the restrictions of time and space so I straight jump to conclude now.
The three practical rules to follow are,
I. Never read a book that is not a year old.
II. Never read any but the famed book.
III. Never read any but what you like.
-Emerson, Society & Solitude, Books.
Though it’s not always good to stick to the set rules as some flexibility is the better option. Therefore, personal interest, timely requirements, financial capabilities, a bit of pre-planning and an idea about the theme and concept must be considered before buying or going through it.
To sum up, ‘the art of reading is to skip judiciously’.
Thank You
Written by
Independent Entrepreneur

Fine Arts-Utility in the Scientific & Technological Pace of Life?

The EnglishAlpha©


Fine Arts, as the term implies –Fine + Arts=something pleasurable & relieving + skills= is the superfine tool that leads not only an individual but also an entire set of people from darker surroundings to a world full of aesthetic, emotional, physical and elated pursuits at the same time. Here one instance is playing a musical instrument such as the piano or any other one, serves a dual purpose when played solo, it serves as the best means of a hobby, and when played on the stage during a concert, it serves the purpose of entertainment & earning money for jam for its player.
Thus, one can get the multi-faceted role of a tool that supports the human health and prosperity of a nation or a community, even on an international level. When such concepts are put to evaluation-most of the time, they prove to be the poetry in motion. But at the same time, it’s a matter of regret, when compared to other sources of earning a livelihood or earning bucks, they always proved less competitive.
Now one may ask-

How much money does fine art make?
A graduate in fine art who is just starting out in the field might expect to make between Rs 2,000 to Rs 3,000,000
While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $104,000 and as low as $16,000, the majority of FINE Artist salaries currently range between $31,000 (25th percentile) to $67,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $87,500 annually across the United States
Another example –can support the view that if one perceives having a competitive vision-the musicians, poets, painters, artists and writers-most of the time, are seen living a sober, decent and anonymous life with comparatively lesser resources.
Though, they serve the role equivalent to the doctors of medicine, the greatest scientists, political leaders or geniuses’ who are bestowed with awards.
If we assess the progress of a society or a nation, it broadly depends on the physical and mental health of its citizens. And physical & mental health have the proportion –50%-Medication+30% -Counselling+20%- fine arts=A Healthy Physique If a person is mentally healthy and physically crippled, it’s for sure he/she is never 100% successful.
And if an individual is physically healthy and mentally crippled, he/she is nothing, but a living creature who is fed merely for emotional support for his/her near and dear ones.
Fine Arts consist of enormous categories such as photography, film-making, crafts, leather work and so on…Here is a rough location-wise preview of the earning of workers of Fine Arts in India-
Fine Artist, including Painter, Sculptor, or Illustrator Cost of living by Location-
Employees with Fine Artist, including painter, Sculptor, or Illustrator in their job-title in Chennai, Tamil Nadu earn an average of 97.8%
More than the national average. These jo-titles find higher than average salaries in New Delhi, Delhi-29.6%. The lowest
salaries can be found in Kolkata, West Bengal-58.5%

De facto, in the modern era fine arts, have grabbed an elated place in the financial, commercial and professional spheres. If one goes back to an era, one finds fine arts were only confined to aesthetic support and as the measures of pleasure and leisurely pursuits. But today there are so many concerts, reality shows & comedy episodes that they not only provide entertainment but also support to amass a fortune.
Apart from that modern age is packed with so much hurry and worry because of hectic schedules that fine arts have got to be the topmost choice to get timely relief from day-to-day worries, depression & frustrations.
Crafts & leather industries contribute a distinguished part to enhancing prosperity.
Shakespeare comments,-” Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.”
An individual may consider the caves of Ajanta & Ellora as the finest instance of art that can soothe the mental horizons of its beholder and a means of attraction of tourism earning foreign currency that enriches our national funds, but at the same time, one can take it as a symbol of nudity.
Same way, beautiful rainfall serves as a source of inspiration for a poet and an author but is merely an obstacle in the errands of a busy professional. It depends entirely on the mental level of its perceiver. All in all, it’s extremely a matter of a person’s mental health. These paintings and sculptures are UNESCO World Heritage sites since 1983 and are considered masterpieces of Buddhist religious art.

Besides, the caves of Ajanta & Ellora, and the songs of Madonna and Michael Jackson have been the Centre of attraction and financial resources for the Indians and foreigners as well.
The same point is supported by Shakespeare-” If music be the food of love, play on.”
Music works miracles in the world of entertainment and mental therapy. It can bend a knotted oak and transform a savage beast into a civilized persona. The songs of Madonna, Michael Jackson, Lata Mangeshkar and many other Indian singers are an asset in themselves.
Next comes the Taj in the long list which is a miracle in itself and an excellent example of fine architecture and a relic of LOVE as well.
The serenity of a hill station or a place of tourism is an excellent source of remedy when a person indulges in escapism. The final and biggest tribute goes to Sh. M. K. Gandhi in India-the Father of the nation-for introducing the spinning wheel for the fabrication of Khadi as the most effective weapon of non-violence
The list is pretty long and there are, of course, restrictions of time and space, therefore, giving a pause would be a better choice. But before I put a full stop to the entire vista, let’s wind it up. As I said before, keeping in view the demands of the modern era-Fine Arts have a reserved designation not only in the commercial & financial arena but also as a healing tool and hobby pursuit that helps humanity to move with grace, confidence & a groomed personality towards a successful & decent life.
To sum up, one can say that professionalism and fine arts go hand in hand to build up a robust social structure and maintain its well-being and excel at the pace of progress.


Independent Entrepreneur-M. A. English

Greetings! I am Malus Domestica

Ode to the Apple

The EnglishAlpha©

Fell from above, on the earth
Newton invented the theory of ‘Gravitation.’

Man & Eve tasted and relished me (The Forbidden Fruit) in heaven,
Resulted in ineradicable & implicit misery for humanity.

Supported the medical & herbal domains,
Supplying nutritional properties.

Also shared my infinite values with the Linguistic Vista-
’An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctors Away’-in the maxim arena.

Too popular & loved that
I hold a treasure of multi-layered name–list as Cripps Pink/Pink Lady, Fuji, Granny Smith, or Honey Crisp, whatever;
You may call me by any of your favorite names.

I also grace any dinner, lunch, or breakfast table,
With my resplendent & vibrant red, green, brownish orange, golden yellow, or white hues.

The king of the kings-
That serves food, literary values & aesthetic glamour to any orchard or perception-unforgettable.

A big bang of fortune to a millionaire,
A loaf of bread to the hungry, struggling on the road to earning money for jam.

Why not, include me in your daily schedule?
You’re cordially invited.

 Attention! please, every notion implies

A dual angle-minus Vs. Plus.

I may be a toxic droplet for a spiritual mindset,

Follow the track lighted by a wee small voice.

 Boycott (ceases) my consumption,

  Lest you should be the victim of eternal anguish,

Mortification, sufferings & woes inflicted by the Pharaoh.

 As a token of repentance

For an impulsive act of a passionate couple.

I own an ocean of scientific assets,

Yet I consist of the darkest point- notorious for being

The source of infliction for ages.

  Shun me right now, bid Adieu!

 As you do with onions, garlic & non. Veg in Hindu mythology.                                   

                                                    -Anita Narang

Friendship-Mercy/Echoes of Life & Heart


“Blessed are those bestowed with,
A brisk & true buddy
In the blues of hectic life.”

“Mercy a divine virtue,
Pours down from heaven Irrespective of genre & breed.”


Latest Posts by Domino-




Deprivation Vs Exuberance-Smart/Expert Review

Echoes of Life & Heart/Reflections

“The world’s hunger is getting ridiculous. There is more fruit in a rich man’s shampoo than in a poor man’s plate.”

Deprivation, hunger, misery, and pangs of poverty are run-of-the-mill sights irrespective of region and locality. De facto, stigmas play their crucial role sincerely behind the curtain in the social rhythm of life. The irony touches the heights when we see that on one hand, the affluent class enjoys a life of exuberance, and on the other hand, a kid in rags longs for a bare piece of bread.

And we say with pride-” MERA BHARAT MAHAN”, it puts a mark of interrogation-

” Are we really advanced and enlightened beings?

Do we know where we stand when one speaks about the overall development and growth of human resources?

One cannot deny the fact that the world has progressed by leaps and bounds on scientific, technological, and medical fronts but it’s a matter of regret we could not extend relief to the ailing humanity where there is starvation, poverty, acute shortage of basic amenities of life and host of slums struggling to survive in an utterly bleak closed universe. It’s a matter of deep regret that one is unable to sense the agony of a kid who sells toys all day long to manage food for a single day.

Do we ever think that when he/she might be getting a few moments to play?

On the contrary, at the same moments, the offspring of a well-to-do group lashes out at luxuries sitting inside their extravagant rooms with five-star grade resources. Is it not the peak of disparity? It’s evident that in spite of so much acceleration in the process of development somewhere, something is missing that we failed to supply a fair share to their authentic rightful heritors.

Obviously, the state of deprivation ends up in the form of chrome, unfair malpractices whether it’s corruption, bribery, beggary, and so on. The root cause is lust for money that can’t ever be satiated.

Temptations & avarice compel an individual to accomplish his/her set target by hook or by crook without giving a second thought to ethical and human values. The same concept has been expressed by one of the distinguished men of letters

“When Temptations become the Master of our life, all we will end up is Misery & Strife.”

These negative trends transform people into mercenary entities and confine their world to themselves, they can’t even view kids who lost the spring of childhood on account of poverty. The darkness prevails over almost every nook and corner of the entire cosmos-it’s not an issue that one can fix at random, rather it demands explicit & profound contemplation including lots of dedication or sincere endeavors on national, International & individual levels so that we can come out with some solid, convincing & reliable solution. In fact, it’s a well-accepted notion that only one person cannot bring revolutionary & revolting change but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step so what is the harm in giving it a try as in the words of John f. Kennedy

“One person can make a difference & everyone should try.”

So, there is always somebody bold & brave who comes forward and takes the initiative and enlightens the path for the rest of us to join & follow his/her footprints. If one casts a glance over history, it’s packed with the names of innumerable eminent personalities who not only sacrificed their personal interests for the sake of humanity but also set an example for us that revolution and transformations have their own specific demands and only exceptional individuals are able to meet them.

Now the question arises-what is this what differentiates an outstanding personality from the rest of the people and how these exceptional capabilities can be generated. To tell you the fact, it’s not a herculean task to have these exceptional strengths-it merely needs a dollop of dedication blended with a lot of honest personal traits and a strong heart teeming with love for humanity, and that’ll suffice.

Once again, this account creates another question-Are the things so simple and straightforward as they seem?

No, not at all as the saying goes-easier said than done. The entire view is not easy-peasy. It’s easy to preach but difficult to practice. The truth is when one lands himself/herself on the action front, the picture is gloomy & pathetic as I would repeat deprivation and hunger can change an extremely honest person into a man of manipulation when it comes to the question of the upbringing of his/her children & family.

And then it gives birth to negative trends such as red tape, corruption, greasing the palm, casteism, nepotism, and so on and so forth-all the synonyms for stealing. It’s an irony that advancement in the education arena has not only improved the lifestyle of the general public but also it has uplifted and upgraded the ancient styles of stealing and beggary which has now been replaced by some refined terms such as cybercrime, commercialization of education and many other social, official & spiritual proceedings.

It’s a debatable notion that criminals are born or made? but if one evaluates the entire scenario 70% of criminals are the victims of adverse circumstances. For instance, if we consider several kinds of thievery

1. Kleptomania
2. Plagiarism.
3. Educational Coaching
4. Identity Theft
5. Embezzlement etc. Etc.
If I speak in a humorous tone, I would say that advancement in education, science, technology, and mental faculties has elevated the levels of beggars and burglars who are now not visible on roads and at night but relax inside their well-furnished cabins and indulge in manipulations. I hope you won’t take it personally and treat it lightly.
The above given few sorts of thievery indicates that to some extent personal traits are responsible for unfair practices such as kleptomania-a kind of stealing about a psychological compulsion instead of a desire to profit or gain something material or financial. This kind of stealing does not harm anybody, neither the stealer nor the victim-it gives merely a temporary pleasure to the stealer.

If we proceed further, there is embezzlement, Plagiarism, and identity theft-the offenses that can destroy the entire life of an organization or human being. Such transgressions are committed by highly educated, powerful, and high-grade people.

In a nutshell, the entire setup is divided broadly into three grades-lower, middle and high class just like human life. It’s a woeful tale. The biggest part of the offense is executed by the so-called high-class genre-as they are the most resourceful class and the most unscrupulous one as well.
Though it’s highly a personal matter how and when a person indulges in unfair practices to support the motion, here one extract can strengthen the idea

“An Old Cherokee told his grandson: My son, there is battle between two wolves inside us all. One is EVIL. It’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is GOOD. It’s joy, peace, love, humanity, kindness & truth. The boy thought about it and asked: “Grandfather, which wolf wins? The old man quietly replied: “The one you feed.”

but a personal issue turns out to be a social and national one when aggravated. A personal preference initiated at a trivial stage ends up being a grave law-breaking act when it exceeds its limits. So why not this unwanted conduct must be nipped in the bud it is a well-accepted theory that any ailment or disease if treated in the primary stage, is healed and recovered without many workarounds Thus, a clean, peaceful & healthy environment comes to exist & tunes life at a rhythmic pace.

Now let’s discuss what roles are played by different forces as political, legal, social & spiritual to eliminate the slur. Laws are made, enforced & facilitated for the betterment of laymen but they are, most of the time, crumpled as per convenience by the stronger, financially as well as resourceful.

Justice has got to be a thing of the past and far from the reach of an ordinary person. Likewise, no doubt, spirituality plays a vital role in this regard but merely preaching is not the solution, personal interests, initiatives, capabilities, self-realization, and motivational measures play a significant role in building up a healthy social structure. In the words of an eminent author

“Let us feed the hungry

House the homeless,

Stop the killing and provide medicine for the sick

When we have accomplished that,

We can sit around and argue about religion.

The same notion has been expressed by the great Rabindranath Tagore in one of his poems

“Leave this chanting, singing, and telling of beads!

Whom dost thou worship in this lonely dark corner of a temple with doors all shut?

Open your eyes and see thy God is not before thee!

He is there where the tiller is tilling the hard ground….

No doubt, there are religious organizations and host sites that run their charitable dispensaries and other such services but they are merely a drop in the ocean.

To Sum up, to a large extent, human beings are themselves creators of their miseries & woes as the root cause of all evils is a man’s attitude towards himself/herself and others. In Bhagavad Gita, it is written

“Hell has three gates:

Lust, anger & greed.”

Constant practice and self-control can heal these shortcomings as “When we express gratitude, Miracles begin to happen. If one ceases to complain and perceives the abundance of nature around, one can find peace and joy even in the so-called trivial objects in place of a high-class luxurious lifestyle. This is the “mantra” of a peaceful & blissful life

It’s an approved fact, the lack of money is the root of all evil as it’s a bitter fact of today’s dynamic and digital world that money can buy everything except the health of a living being. The only thing that is beyond the control of money is -demise/di ease. But life is full of so many blessings that money can’t even approach-As the saying goes

“If you want to feel rich Just count the things You have that Money can’t buy.”

as when one lacks something and is devoid of resources to avail the same-the one and only remedy is-contentment and firm belief in the almighty as when He gives birth to a creature in this universe, at the very moment He designs a series of joys and woes & other such amenities the specific person will be able to consume or avail. God is an expert manager, His plans are well-designed & balanced, sooner or later every creature has to bear a fair share of the quota of miseries & joys of his/her life. Somewhere, something precious is missing in the life of every human being. A perfect blissful state is just impossible.

He keeps the balance in a perfect way, if, for example, bestows a nightingale with a melodious and mesmerizing voice, He takes away its physical beauty at the same time. In this regard, a few lines of a rhyme can be quoted

“The mountain and the squirrel

Had a quarrel

And the former called the latter-” little prig”

Bun replied, you are doubtless very big;

But all sorts of things and weather

Are taken into gather

To make up a year and a sphere.

And I think it no disgrace To occupy my place.

If I am not so large as you are not so small as I

Talents differ: all is well & wisely put

If I cannot carry forests on my back,

Neither can you crack a nut? “

Therefore, God has also His own heavenly timepiece and He is punctual, all come to every person at the perfectly right moment allotted to him. Nobody ever gets a perfect complete universe. There are people who don’t even have a roof to take shelter in and even those who lead a glamorous life but don’t have peace of mind, often spend sleepless nights. Each & every creature has his/her own specific role in this drama of life, even heavenly bodies depend on one another to run the cycle. The moon is seen only during nights and the sun rises according to its set timings-even a little interference in their devised system may cause grave crises.

Therefore, the bottom line is-share-share your resources, share your joys, share your woes & this noble vision has the strength to eliminate the pall of grief from life.

The rule of thumb is love & don’t give way to hatred, it’ll surely transform the entire cosmos into a heavenly & blissful body devoid of frustrations, miseries, hunger & the curse of deprivation. As in the words of a well-known poet

“He prayeth well, who loveth well”

The Best worship one can offer to God is to love & serve His creation